How To Start Learning SEO

Posted by SEO Expert India Monday, January 17, 2011

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me how they can start learning SEO or how they can rank their website #1!
Rank #1? FOR WHAT?

Person: What do you mean for what?
Me: Yeah, for what keyword, etc do you want to rank for? You can’t just rank for anything and everything, you understand?
Person: Oh…not really.

And so it goes that many conversations go like that, granted some people are well aware of the seo scope more less. Nevertheless, the people that want to learn it cause they need something quick will often try to work fast, get frustrated and never truly understand some of the basic aspects of search engine optimization and the process that goes into optimizing a website long-term.
If you don’t really have the time or patience, I really wouldn’t recommend trying to start optimizing a website but then again, trying to learn anything new is always a good experience.
The more time you invest learning about search engine optimization (like anything else) the more success you’ll have as knowledge is power. The internet is one of the world’s greatest resources, and it just may be for search engine optimization.

In order to understand SEO, it’s very important you understand how the search engine works, how it ranks websites, what signals are most popular, understanding search results, understanding the meaning of domain authority, inbound linking, outbound linking, etc.

What can you do to start learning SEO?

-FORUMS: Forums are really a great Q&A forum for those starting out in SEO. Don’t always trust what you read in forums of course but look through threads and look for the very basic questions to start. Google: “SEO FORUMS”

-SEO Blogs: So much good content is put in a daily basis when it comes to seo. Some of the worlds best SEOs actually blog about all topics related to SEO. While a lot of the stuff is advanced, look for basic post from blogs such as, Check out SearchEngineLand and SearchEngineJournal daily to read daily stories. Checkout

-SEO Tutorials: Go on YouTube and search for SEO tutorials and videos. You should find decent content that will teach you the very basics regarding meta tags, on-site optimization, off-site optimization. Look for the Google Webmaster channel for some good information.

-Industry Conferences: Going to conferences such as Search Engine Strategies (SES) or maybe if you can find a local conference in your area is a great way to learn and network with newbies as well. Some newbies may have the best tips as they’ve been doing research just like you.

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